The Maison’s story begins in 1920, as Russian-born dissident Gregory Salomon emigrates to France to start his life over as a furrier in Paris. Then, in the 1960s, his visionary son Boris starts experimenting with a different kind of fur work, making his pieces distinctively modern and subsequently catching the eye of fashion designers of his time.

This trend carries on with Boris’s son, Yves, who launches his own design studio in the 80s, collaborating with some of the most iconic couturiers of the decade – including Azzedine Alaïa, Nina Ricci, Thierry Mugler and Jean Paul Gaultier -, all while starting his own brand, Yves Salomon.

Today, Yves works alongside his son Thomas, still producing pieces for the biggest names in the fashion industry. Simultaneously, he has created Army, a new line focusing on creativity through a cutting-edge outerwear collection of both womenswear and menswear.

1910年由 Gregory Salomon 创立,60年代,他的儿子 Boris 开始尝试皮草设计作品,并通过摩登的造型成功吸引了其他设计师以及品牌的注意。1980年由家族第三代 Yves Salomon 接棒,正式将品牌更名为 YVES SALOMON。除了与顶级品牌 Dior,Saint Laurent, Prada, Louis Vuitton,Azzedine Alaïa,Jean Paul Gaultier等合作,YVES SALOMON 也研发了属于自己的系列。以品牌几十年的卓越品质与轻盈轻便的功能性结合,YVES SALOMON 成功的建立了自己在皮草行业不可逾越的口碑。

今天, Yves Salomon 与他的儿子 Thomas 一起设计研发更多的皮草款式,成为了全世界最著名的皮草品牌之一。2005年 YVES SALOMON 以复古的军装大衣的版型为基础,通过羽绒、大衣和皮草结合,创立了 YS ARMY 系列。一经推出就大获成功,轻盈时髦又极具功能性的特色迅速成为了品牌最受欢迎的设计线。2021年,YVES SALOMON 积极响应 “Fur Free” 口号,推出了 METEO 系列,使用羊毛、羊皮等纯天然的材质,更贴近年轻人的需求。