Armed with two decades of industry experience as a successful designer, Nick Wakeman launched the first Studio Nicholson collection in 2010.
Nick is renowned for her utilisation of superior fabrics, she honed her skills studying Textile Design at Chelsea School of Art in London. She continues her pursuit to work with only with the best materials available.
Drawing inspiration from Japanese culture, architecture and interiors, Nick creates considered pieces that are carefully engineered to provide structure and elegance, forming the basis for the ultimate modular wardrobe.
Functionality, modernity and playfulness are the inherent elements that we believe in as a brand and therefore ignite the foundations of each collection.
Working closely with experienced manufacturers in Italy, Portugal, Japan and the UK, Studio Nicholson garments are produced by specialists who intrinsically understand the ethos of the brand, and the perfection Nick strives for.
拥有20年从业经验的 Nick Wakeman 在2010年创办了 Studio Nicholson 。毕业于伦敦切尔西艺术学院的 Nick Wakeman,在校时学习的就是纺织专业,凭借对面料驾轻就熟的高超技艺,Studio Nicholson 的系列从一开始就全部选用最精良高品质的面料。
Nick 从日本文化、建筑和室内设计中汲取灵感,对 Studio Nicholson 的每一款单品都进行反复推敲和精心的设计。这使 Studio Nicholson 的系列优雅、从容并获得一种平衡的结构感,仿佛建筑和室内设计一样,可以经得起几十年甚至几百年的审美考验。而这一切都秉承着 Nick 追求的”模块化衣橱“的理念,所谓的模块化衣橱,是对所有衣橱单品的一次升级与改良,模块化的衣橱所有的单品都可以相互搭配,轻而易举的得到功能性与时髦感共存的造型。
功能性、现代性和趣味性是 Studio Nicholson 作为一个品牌的强有力的内在元素,并以此成为每个系列的基础。
Studio Nicholson 的系列与意大利、葡萄牙、日本和英国的经验丰富的制造商密切合作,这些制造商经过了时间和技术的磨练,从本质上了解并接受 Nick 所追求的完美与Studio Nicholson 系列的核心理念,从而保证了Studio Nicholson 每一件单品的高质量与高品质。